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How to Tackle a House Cleanout

brief: How to Cleanout your whole house

A clean house is a happy one. But how do you go about getting it that way? The experts at Junk Removal Lodi CA know that it’s easy to get overwhelmed by what seems like an impossible task, but this article will help you find the best steps for your situation. Before starting on a new task, its always important to know your reason for doing something (your why).

So, why take the time to cleanout your house?

Consider these points:

• Increase productivity by organizing your home

• Have more time to work on what you’re passionate about

• Find a sense of peace in your (clean) home

• Save money, time & effort by clearing out unwanted items

It’s easy to see why cleaning out your house can be such a great idea. Now that you know why you should do, next come the hard part.

How do I cleanout my house?

The first step is to look around your house and find what you no longer need. To help with this process, consider the following questions:

• What do I use that’s broken?

• Am I living out of boxes?

• Are there things I haven’t used in over a year?

• Do I have duplicates of items throughout my home?

• Is this furniture/decoration relevant to my current tastes or style?

Once you’ve found what needs to go, collect up all of the objects and put them somewhere where they won’t be seen or walked on (a spare room works well). Then, it’s time for cold hard reality. Gather friends and family members and let them know about your project. Tell them how serious you are, how long the cleanout will take, and what they can do to help. Having a team of people who have bought into your project gives it much more power than tackling the task alone.

Now that you know what needs to go and who is on your team, its time to dive in and get rid of things! It might seem overwhelming at first (to say the least), but once you start going through each room systematically, you’ll find it gets easier as time goes by. For example, if one room has items that need to be thrown out or donated right away, work on that room until its finished then move onto another area that may require a bit more sorting and organizing before throwing things out or donating.

What’s the best way to itemize my items?

Itemizing your items can be a useful step to take whether you’re going to keep or throw away your things. Why should you bother with this step? It provides a visual representation of what you have and where, which helps when finding duplicates of similar items. This is also a good place for labeling because it allows for easy referencing later.

Figuring out how to categorize the items in your home can be intimidating at first, but with some thought it becomes quite simple. Digging up a few notes from past projects, conversations, or magazines can help if ideas are slow starting. Make sure that each category is inclusive enough so that any new item can easily fit into it. After this is done, the hardest part of labeling is actually doing it!

After all your items have been labeled and categorized, you can finally sit back and assess what you’ve learned about yourself in the process. What did you find? Were there some super scary discoveries that made you rethink where you were headed in life? Were there a few treasures that gave joy to your heart when found? Most importantly, are there activities now available for you to pursue that will fill up more time in your day? By tweaking how or where things live around the house or by getting rid of them altogether gives more room for new things to come into place as well as clarifying the statement: “this is mine.”

What do I do with all my unwanted stuff?

Now that you have a clear vision on what you want your space to look like and who you want to be, it’s time to make it happen. The first step with this is selling unwanted items (or donating them if that’s your preference). After all the dust from tidying up settles down, it should become clearer where things belong in the house. Now everything can stand out by itself rather than blending together into a mess of clutter. Having a home free of clutter isn’t only aesthetic; it creates more mental space for us to live with less distraction and more focus on what matters most.

If there are still some things lingering around after tidying up, try letting go of these objects one at a time. For example, pick up an item and think about how it makes you feel. Depending on the emotion, keep or throw away that object. If you find yourself overthinking the decision, try asking a friend to help you figure out if this object is useful to your home or not.

What should I do with stuff that’s sentimental?

Sentimental value can be different for each person but it usually involves highly personal items (such as photos of family members) or belongings of special meaning (like jewelry from deceased relatives). It also includes objects we grew attached to during our lives through experiences like winning first prize in a contest or graduation gifts from high school. Taking care of these kinds of things is important because they are pieces that make up who we are today and find comfort in. These objects can be kept or stored if they are not being used regularly while still having a place reserved for them.

What about the stuff that’s just plain junk? 

In this case, most things should go! There is no point wasting your time holding onto something if it has no value to you and collecting dust on top of that. As far as belongings considered “junk,” include everything from old wires and cords to old clothes that have been in storage for months or years. These items can usually be found in the garage or attic but also include seldom-used kitchen appliances and outdated furniture pieces that don’t fit into current decorating styles. Since these items do eventually leave home (i.e., when the trash compactor is full or when your next garage sale is), it makes sense to get rid of them at the earliest opportunity. After they are gone, you can focus on those more important things that still need your attention .

What if I have a lot more junk than I expected?

In this case, its time to get a professional in. Junk Removal Lodi CA can help with this. If you are not sure of how to go about it, consider reaching out to some local charities or non-profits that accept donations. Some may come and collect your items for free if you talk with their employees ahead of time while others will charge a small fee based on the amount and type of things donated.

You’ll be amazed at what a difference it makes when you don’t have so much stuff in your house anymore!